Short Fiction Stories of David A. Archer

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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006




A Short Fiction


David A. Archer



I was looking around the other day when I noticed the first indications of something so common, so saturated of our existence that it is never even noticed. I believe I ignored it as long as I did simply as a matter of disinterest, being so much else to experience in life. I managed to spy the first suggestion pertaining to the overwhelming consistency of it through the minds eye of course, in something which resembled thought intertwined with epiphany.

The rubber chicken stepped out, just as I stepped in. I caught a glimpse of it in the form of shadow moving within shadow as I fully now found myself within the confines of something many hardly consider, and few ever realize.

I knew that it was “out” in direction of which the rubber chicken was going, as its shadow grew on the translucent and shifting wall while it skittered farther away in rubber chicken fashion. The shadow eventually dissipating in a style and form as being far too big and dilute to any longer be considered a shadow. The “out” part now drew my interest a bit more as well.

Since it was that I was now “in,” and “out” was seemingly only through a thin division of physiological acknowledgement. And further that both were actually “in” in more ways than either could be considered “out.” It very much was that any rational individual would surmise themselves either being out of their right mind or conversely, in to something to the degree of now being privy to an as of yet fully explored separation of “out” and “in.” In regard that is, to an area of consideration which is hard pressed to fully measure.

I knew one thing for sure at this point, and that was the fact that a rubber chicken was now in the “out” part of where I had just left to become “in,” to some degree. Again, “in” being relative and alterable with the level of acknowledged in-ness or out-ness regarding the separating factor, which I would soon find was not so much a partition as structure, as simply an aspect to this different level of consistency quite normally in life.

I then further found the question as to what exactly it could be that supported the running shadow of a rubber chicken upon the area of acknowledged division which now surrounded my person lending to the idea of “in” opposed to “out.”

I don’t recall installing a drop light at a distant point in my mind, especially a given distant point from the non specific point I now found myself occupying with the commission of being “in.”

No epiphany was this. Nor standard pattern of thought, either. In fact, I am surprised at myself for even having found the means with which to manifest such a notion, the notion itself being beyond the confines of said notion…as even a notion… but once I glimpsed the very edges of it directly, the avalanche of recognition set itself upon its course imbuing the freshness one might expect of having rearranged their furniture, then walking again into a familiar room for another “first time.” This again however, not being a room…but being the recognition of mind.

The similarities with paradox are remarkable… though readily anyone can see the specific and very definite manufactured aspects of and within this grand emulation. It is very much one aspect within another, then again within even itself to some degree.

There are really few ways to describe it accurately. As it moves and changes and is perceived while being entirely ignored in everyday life.

It is never the same, though consistent even from person to person, respectively. That aspect I personally find rather intriguing as per the emulation which it is of life itself, beyond of course, the incessant presence of a rubber chicken.

The fact that within such variation and distinction much becomes and remains as a constant, to some degree is remarkable of itself. The fact that it has become such an unfailing normality with little notice is even more remarkable.

It is in no way symmetrical, though at times it may appear to be if it were that it could actually be viewed. And it is by far the most perfect imperfection in the creation of the human species as far as I can tell from my humble perspective.

It makes sense that such rings true unarguably, being that the flowing and changing body of it consists entirely of varied and inconsistent range and confines, as constant if not a continuum. This occurring as result of modes and means with and within the production of it as we absent mindedly maintain it. Even through simple existence…. that is, what we now consider “simple” in that regard.

When I consider it, a person could even liken it to a more advanced sketch type of animation flipping from card to card as it streams and courses effortlessly, immediately and quite firmly limiting the capacity of that which we call “mind.” Each being somewhat different than is another as per individual consideration. As per individual and likewise as per influence.

We do it to ourselves it would seem. Unless it is that a rubber chicken is ruling a control panel somewhere, but I can’t see it being as some “science fiction evil guy plot” simply because it is far too inconsistent. Even the most bumbling of “science fiction evil guys” and rubber chickens combined would manage more consistency, if even only as a matter of “evil guy” and rubber chicken pride.

From what I can imagine, it is very much because of our every day lives… a conditioning of sorts combined with our progress in and through that in which we put ourselves as a common occurrence.

For instance, you sit in a living space that is rather consistent in design. While in that living space you are subject to various other consistencies which are of human make. Even the sixty cycle frequency of the electrical configuration can and does qualify as said conditioning. This, combined with whatever other electromagnetic elements you may frequently experience, then renders… just say for the sake of argument, an imprint of sorts within that conditioning upon your mind… which obviously, is roughly relative to that very contained space. Further, it is that even conditioning alone attributes to this confined perspective… that is in meaning to convey, that the consistent experience of a given space, then eventually sets in as a representation to some degree.

Further then, when considering this direction of thought, it then becomes a much easier thing to consider the various effects of something such as headphones. Further within that then, is the consistent conditioning derived from the various and varied symmetries within the consideration of where the information you are experiencing, was produced. Not to mention the harrowing effect which results when it is that a rubber chicken is present within such an area of confinement.

To make this a bit more clear, the artificial atmospheres consistently utilized and constantly present in most modern forms of musical (and other electronic) entertainment, are just that. The actual space and expanse which transpires in relation to said “capacity” is only to the size and even shape when you think about it, of the areas and rooms in which, from which, said entertainment was produced. Many said “rooms” being of different size and shape themselves, which then creates a rather entertaining visual in thought when considering the motion and interaction of it all. That then, is again limited – more so amplified in effect within the very nature of electromagnetic frequencies, and within that amplification arises said limitations.

I’m not saying this is good or bad per say. I in no way feel qualified to make such a judgment call. I only know that in realizing it from a certain perspective, it brings an entirely different consideration of even basic perception…into, perception as it were. Especially if you somehow overlooked the rubber chicken.

I even find it odd that I happened upon the thought given the incredible consistency of said forms and variations of conditioning. It is as if the thought in and of itself would not be an obvious possibility within said conditioning, being of course that the thought of the electromagnetic box would have to be recognized outside of the electromagnetic box – knowing full well in such a situation that a person cannot perceive an “outside” if they do not recognize being within an “inside,” and then further could not perceive such a containment or consistency in prospective “shape,” much less recognize the presence and imprint of something as subtle as a rubber chicken. In fact, it is considerable that those being firmly within their specific type and sort of consistency, might see such a thought as outrageous never having had the call to consider it.

Perhaps, within the sparse exposure to extreme measures of said influences through my life time, I managed to retain more of my capabilities beyond that area of standardization? Again, not meaning to suggest any sort of “science fiction evil plan,” but plainly noting an obvious, however imperfect and inconsistent it may be, consistency.

I do not believe that this electromagnetic box is all encompassing. It couldn’t be quite frankly…as I am sure that none would tolerate a rubber chicken lording over such a small confinement. I also do not believe that it is of a solidified nature, as I have described. I feel it is more in the manner of an overlaying consistency bearing great potential and display in variation and actuation within said flaw of inconsistency. It is something that is just part of our daily conditioned existence, and really always has been to one degree or another. Only that it is with modern advance that we have found the amplification in effect through the various means I have described, and others as well I am sure – even aside from the rubber chicken, to impose and maintain said “structural manifestation” and said confinement.

Another aspect of this consistent imperfection, is then the capacity it serves in becoming a filtration of sorts. A “standard” area of focus and perception magnified and contained over and beyond any similar consistencies throughout the history of humanity… or even rubber chickens for that matter.

I suppose the phenomenon itself could stand to serve as example in favor of the idea that things aren’t meant to be overly defined. Even the emulation that it is, of which it is… is very much dependent upon the use of “different” frequencies simultaneously.

That in and of itself indicates the presence of inconsistencies as per “plural,” in tandem components.

Then heaped into that “equation” is the obvious existence of various band widths which exist again, simultaneously… and further then, becoming as much as any other – and simultaneously, the stroke which forms and maintains said “geometric” patterns of consistent conditioning…. Again, much through our very simple and plain existences.

To further explore this in example, it is that any various combination of recorded audio for instance… sets forward its own “room” and/or combination of “rooms” within a given spatial consideration. Basically then, it would be within the largest “room” where-in all other present, smaller though just as dominant “geometrical” considerations, would reside…even so when considering various different representations simultaneously – as result of said conditioning. Then, within that configuration is added the aspect of motion. Changing configurations of “rooms” and other influences.

I should state that I am not referring to the common use of “effects” processors. As I have stated, they, even in regard to the “biggest” representation of effect… are still confined within the given geometrical space from which the example signal was derived. The “sound” of more space, is simply illusion in regard to the real effect and reaction of the real sound waves, so to speak.

Then of course, is the added peculiarity within the effect of our modern digital sequences even further contained within this in-flux perimeter.

I think it really freaks the rubber chicken out and I can definitely see why as it streams and flows mechanically. Really nothing much more than a smearing blur through the rest of it.

It kind of adds a touch of décor one might say. As if it were the “woman’s touch” on the bland and mundane aspects of existing décor. It contributes a factor as it streaks through, which in effect results as a person might imagine the motion of an electrical shock upon a conductor….but it isn’t of the electrical variety… it simply moves as such, smearing in flow as would a sparkling pastel smudge , following the confines and established shapes of that geometrical configuration in motion.

That must be as result of the time codes…the motion of the “décor” that is…where the colors and sparkles might represent content attached to said time codes. All of it then rendering a rather interesting effect. Interesting I would imagine, if it were that you didn’t happen to be a rubber chicken.

I might speculate… in the most far off reaches of imaginative conjecture, that the presence of such an attribute as is said digitalization now existing within the already established emulation… could arguably signify the possibility of other dimensions. Just as a matter of course in the consistency presiding over the various emulations in conjunction and comparison with the actual aspects of existence. Then of course in respect to that old tried and true concerning proofs in opposition and of course, the ever looming dichotomy so precious to those game show freaks and rubber chicken hounds.

How could it not be so with only those monolith type of examples alone?

Of course, the use of such consistency as is the game show freakish element… means that the rubber chicken might be out of the loop so to speak in regard to game show participation. Given that the digitization seems to really put the rubber chicken in a snit.

When you think about it though, it is a small price to pay in order to begin proving the existence of other dimensions… not to mention, other forms of dementia within such efforts… given the level of exertion needed to maintain any sort of superiority within the illusion that a given individual “discovered” of “invented” something that they most likely can’t even begin to really understand anyhow. And further then, that dementia is a sure thing as everyone knows it has long been the rubber chickens that have kept it at bay.

Once the rubber chickens are left out… we all might as well be popping happy pills and playing touch my product on the “Spin The Family Brawl” game show circuit.

I suppose it won’t matter much though.. as long as there are trinkets and prizes… and no rubber chickens around to scare the mental illnesses away.


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